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Whilst a users model of their classes implies a traditional datastore schema, with Cumulus4J, to achieve highly secure data, we utilise our own data schema. We have three parts to the schema


The raw data representing the users objects is stored encrypted in a DataEntry table (or equivalent for non-RDBMS datastores). Something like this

CREATE TABLE "dataentry" 
    "dataentryid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
    "classmeta_classid_oid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
    "keyid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
    "objectid" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    "version" BIGINT NOT NULL

Class structure information

Each class being persisted has to be recorded the first time it is encountered. Cumulus4J stores the class information and field/property information. Something like this

CREATE TABLE "classmeta"
    "classid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
    "packagename" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    "simpleclassname" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    "superclassmeta_classid_oid" BIGINT,
    "version" BIGINT NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE "fieldmeta"
    "fieldid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
    "classmeta_classid_oid" BIGINT,
    "fieldname" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    "ownerfieldmeta_fieldid_oid" BIGINT,
    "role" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    "version" BIGINT NOT NULL

Index information

To provide in-datastore querying for the contents of fields, Cumulus4J has to store an amount of index information. A table exists for the type of data being stored, linking to the records possessing this value for the specified field. The schema is like this

CREATE TABLE "indexentrycontainersize"
        "indexentryid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
        "indexkey" BIGINT,
        "fieldmeta_fieldid_oid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
        "indexvalue" LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA,
        "keyid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
        "version" BIGINT NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE "indexentrydouble"
        "indexentryid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
        "indexkey" DOUBLE,
        "fieldmeta_fieldid_oid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
        "indexvalue" LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA,
        "keyid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
        "version" BIGINT NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE "indexentrylong"
        "indexentryid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
        "indexkey" BIGINT,
        "fieldmeta_fieldid_oid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
        "indexvalue" LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA,
        "keyid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
        "version" BIGINT NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE "indexentrydate"
        "indexentryid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
        "indexkey" TIMESTAMP,
        "fieldmeta_fieldid_oid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
        "indexvalue" LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA,
        "keyid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
        "version" BIGINT NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE "indexentrystringlong"
    "indexentryid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
    "indexkey" CLOB(2147483647),
    "fieldmeta_fieldid_oid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
    "indexvalue" LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA,
    "keyid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
    "version" BIGINT NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE "indexentrystringshort"
    "indexentryid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
    "indexkey" VARCHAR(255),
    "fieldmeta_fieldid_oid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
    "indexvalue" LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA,
    "keyid" BIGINT NOT NULL,
    "version" BIGINT NOT NULL
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