Cumulus4j API

Uses of Class

Packages that use FieldMeta Data model classes used to store data and meta-data in the backend. Evaluators actually doing the query work. 

Uses of FieldMeta in

Methods in that return FieldMeta
 FieldMeta IndexEntry.getFieldMeta()
           Get the descriptor of the indexed field.
 FieldMeta ClassMeta.getFieldMeta(long fieldID)
          Get the FieldMeta with the specified fieldID.
 FieldMeta ClassMeta.getFieldMeta(String fieldName)
          Get the FieldMeta for a field that is directly declared in the class referenced by this ClassMeta.
 FieldMeta ClassMeta.getFieldMeta(String className, String fieldName)
           Get the FieldMeta for a field that is either directly declared in the class referenced by this ClassMeta or in a super-class.
 FieldMeta FieldMeta.getMappedByFieldMeta(ExecutionContext executionContext)
           Get the FieldMeta of the opposite end of the mapped-by-relation.
 FieldMeta FieldMeta.getOwnerFieldMeta()
          Get the primary FieldMeta, to which this sub-FieldMeta belongs or null, if this FieldMeta is primary.
 FieldMeta FieldMeta.getSubFieldMeta(FieldMetaRole role)
          Get a sub-field of this field or null, if no such sub-field exists.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type FieldMeta
 Collection<FieldMeta> ClassMeta.getFieldMetas()
          Get all FieldMeta instances known to this instance.
 Collection<FieldMeta> FieldMeta.getSubFieldMetas()
          Get all sub-fields' meta-data of this field.

Methods in with parameters of type FieldMeta
 void ClassMeta.addFieldMeta(FieldMeta fieldMeta)
 void FieldMeta.addSubFieldMeta(FieldMeta subFieldMeta)
static IndexEntry IndexEntryObjectRelationHelper.createIndexEntry(PersistenceManager pmIndex, FieldMeta fieldMeta, Long indexedDataEntryID)
          Get an existing IndexEntry or create it, if it does not yet exist.
 IndexEntry IndexEntryFactory.createIndexEntry(PersistenceManager pmIndex, FieldMeta fieldMeta, Object indexKey)
          Get an existing IndexEntry just like IndexEntryFactory.getIndexEntry(PersistenceManager, FieldMeta, Object) or create one, if it does not yet exist.
static IndexEntry IndexEntryObjectRelationHelper.getIndexEntry(PersistenceManager pmIndex, FieldMeta fieldMeta, Long indexedDataEntryID)
          Get an existing IndexEntry or null, if it does not exist.
 IndexEntry IndexEntryFactory.getIndexEntry(PersistenceManager pmIndex, FieldMeta fieldMeta, Object indexKey)
          Get an IndexEntry for the specified unique key fields or null, if no such instance exists.
 IndexEntryFactory IndexEntryFactoryRegistry.getIndexEntryFactory(ExecutionContext executionContext, FieldMeta fieldMeta, boolean throwExceptionIfNotFound)
          Get the appropriate IndexEntryFactory subclass instance for the given FieldMeta.
 void ClassMeta.removeFieldMeta(FieldMeta fieldMeta)
 void FieldMeta.removeSubFieldMeta(FieldMeta fieldMeta)
protected  void IndexEntry.setFieldMeta(FieldMeta fieldMeta)

Constructors in with parameters of type FieldMeta
FieldMeta(ClassMeta classMeta, FieldMeta ownerFieldMeta, String fieldName, FieldMetaRole role)
          Internal constructor.
FieldMeta(FieldMeta ownerFieldMeta, FieldMetaRole role)
          Create a FieldMeta referencing a part of a field.

Uses of FieldMeta in

Methods in that return FieldMeta
 FieldMeta ResultDescriptor.getFieldMeta()
          Get the FieldMeta to query, if there is no FCO candidate.

Methods in with parameters of type FieldMeta
 Set<Long> ExpressionHelper.ContainsVariableResolver._queryEnd(FieldMeta fieldMeta, AbstractMemberMetaData mmd, FieldMeta subFieldMeta, boolean argumentIsPersistent, Class<?> argumentType)
 Set<Long> ExpressionHelper.ContainsConstantResolver._queryEnd(FieldMeta fieldMeta, AbstractMemberMetaData mmd, FieldMeta subFieldMeta, boolean argumentIsPersistent, Class<?> argumentType)
protected abstract  Set<Long> PrimaryExpressionResolver.queryEnd(FieldMeta fieldMeta)

Constructors in with parameters of type FieldMeta
ResultDescriptor(Symbol symbol, Class<?> resultType, FieldMeta fieldMeta)
          Create a ResultDescriptor.

Cumulus4j API

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